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Ben Holtzman - Jason Candler - Nolan Lem - Douglas Repetto - Matthew Turk - Joachim Gossmann

Sonification and Visualization of EarthQuake Data
Seismic Sound Lab at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History - NYC

Tohoku(2011) - Sumatra(2004) - Kamchatka(2013) - Parkfield(2004) - Haiti(2010)
selected excerpts (click on each title to view videos)
the following excerpts are 2-D renderings of the visualizations originally projected in the Planetarium with full 24-channel audio.
Surface and Body Waves - Haiti (2010)
Simulated surface and body Wave propagation through the earth following the 2010 Haitian Earthquake. video by Matthew Turk

+ Visit the Seismic Sound Lab website

++ Seismodome at the Hayden Planetarium Website

+++ [pdf] Seismic Sound Lab: Sights, Sounds and Perception of the Earth as an Acoustic Space

++++ We are currently working on packaging our open-source Python and Matlab Code. Code examples available upon request [please contact nolan dot lem at gmail dot com ]
Earthquake Events Catalog - Kamchatka(2013)
Localized earthquake activity over a span of 6 hours after the 2013 Kamchatka earthquake as a function of magnitude and depth.
see more catalog videos here
Ground Motion Visualization (GMV)
Visual and audible wave field propagation as recorded by the US seismogram array after the Kamchatka earthquake.

from, Seismic Sound Lab: Sights, Sounds and Perception of the Earth as an Acoustic Space" Sound Music and Motion (2014): 161-174. PDF.
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live at Hayden Planetarium
24 channel speaker orientation